Saturday, June 3, 2006

BBQ at Graygarth House

Aaron (PhD Chemistry, Pinoy) invited me over to a bbq at their hall of residence run by the Opus Dei. Good barbecue of burgers, sausages, and chicken. I helped in cooking so after I smelled like smoke! But it was fun. =)


  1. Bangers!

    Shet, Nic, ang sarap nito. *waterrrrring mawt*

  2. Chocnut in England?

    At ano yan, mukhang Taisan Cup!

  3. haha! hindi eh. mas masarap ang pastries natin, lalu na yung taisan! =) Plain ugly cupcake lang yan. dala ko yung chocnut. comfort food. hehe...

    btw, mas masarap yung dala nung friend ko... genuine Kielbasa polish sausages! Hmm... sige nga pag niluto ko I'll take a pic for you. hahaha!
