Monday, March 16, 2009

Down the Easter Road: An Online Lenten Prayer Series with Hangad

Take our hands, lead us Lord, let us walk with You down the Easter Road.

Change our hearts, move our souls with the love we find on the Easter Road.

In our hurried and taxing lives, we often overlook the true spirit of Lent and Holy Week. We eagerly anticipate the joy and celebration of the Christmas season, but we seldom appreciate the significance of Easter. We need to constantly be reminded that Easter is the Christian occasion of greatest importance - even over Christmas. After all, everyone is born. But only Christ was reborn! What would be the significance of Christ's birth, if there were not a resurrection? What would be the meaning of Christmas, if Jesus did not go on to suffer, die, and rise again? This divine miracle of Easter came to pass for all of us. So in commemoration, we are invited to relive the journey He took down the sorrowful and glorious Easter road.

This Lenten season, come take this journey through prayer with Hangad. Share with us four weeks of reflection, to ask for the grace of the Holy Spirit to reveal to us once more how we are beloved by God despite our human frailty.

For four weeks until Easter, set aside ten to twenty minutes of your time as we are guided by different prayer themes. Each week, scripture and music will lead us into recollection and prayer.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Cebu March 2009

Visited Mia again last weekend (Mar 7-8). Stayed at Microtel Mactan (thanks to the GC I won at the LCF Christmas party!). Cool place. Quirky design. Beach was ok. Sand was rather rocky.

Enjoyed a really good buffet lunch at Gustavian (Terraces, Ayala) and dinner at Cyma (same place). Dinner at Microtel was not bad either.

A great weekend with Mia as usual. =)